
4th Animals' race

Hello, We are practicing the animal's description with 4th A and B. We wrote a description of different animals and we played a race game. In two teams, we had to read the description and take the correct picture. We had a lot of fun, take a look at the photos!

1st - toys game

Here you have a game about TOYS so you can practice at home :) click on the following words: GAME TOYS

1st - corners

Today we worked on stations in the English class. We did 3: 1. Tablets: BINGO  (we practiced the numbers) 2. Words dictation about TOYS (to practice writing the words) 3. GAME: is it...? (to practice speaking skills)

1st - TOYS (what is it song)

The boys and girls from 1st grade are learning about toys. We love this song: We have made a worksheet to practice the song and the vocabulary:

2nd and 3rd - routines

The boys and girls from 2nd and 3rd start the class with the routines. We have 3 leaders (with one medal each): So the boys and girls become "teachers" and start the class on their own. 

3rd - going around the class

One day, we entered the class and a lot of messages where hiden around it! So we had to be detectives and find all of them ! Look!